5 Benefits Of Regular Residential Lawn Treatments

Residential lawn treatments include fertilizing, herbicide applications, and pest management. Scheduling regular professional treatments is a must if you want a healthy and resilient lawn. 

1. Healthier Soil

As grass grows, it depletes the soil of nutrients, including major nutrients like nitrogen as well as many of the micronutrients necessary for a healthy soil profile. Regular fertilization replenishes these nutrients, which leads to a healthier lawn and more importantly, healthier soil. Healthy, nutrient-rich soil supports an entire biome of beneficial animals, from tiny micro-organisms to earth-building worms. This healthy soil profile not only supports lush grass growth, but also makes your yard more resilient to climate variations.

2. Disease Resistance

Lawn diseases are typically caused by either a fungus or a bacteria. Both are more likely to infect a lawn that is already struggling, either from nutrient issues or moisture issues. Over-fertilization is especially a problem, as the excess nutrients can feed the disease-causing organisms and burn the lawn so that it is weaker and more susceptible to infection. Professional fertilization and soil testing, along with treatment applications if a disease does affect the lawn, can save the grass. 

3. Pest Prevention

There are a few different types of lawn pests, each active in different geographical areas. A well-known and ubiquitous pest is grubs, which eat the roots of the grass and kill it from the ground up. A lawn treatment service will know when grubs and other pests are most likely to be active in your area, and they can plant preventative treatments at the optimum time to prevent pest issues. 

4. Water Management

A healthy lawn doesn't dry out as quickly as one that is struggling. This is because lush grass that has plenty of nutrients and few diseases or pest issues shades the soil and creates a self-mulching effect, which prevents water loss from evaporation. Healthy, properly fed grasses also tend to have deep roots, which means they are better able to withstand short periods of drought without long-lasting ill effects.

5. Weed Removal

Weed treatment is often a must, particularly in spring as many weeds begin to actively grow before the lawn gets going. Your lawn care service can apply a pre-emergent herbicide treatment to prevent weeds from germinating. Secondary treatments may be necessary for some late-growing weeds, such as crabgrasses, to remove them once they begin to grow during the summer months. 

Contact a lawn treatment and maintenance service, such as Topeka's Affordable Lawn Care LLC, to learn more. 
